
Personal Family Update

Hi again everybody

A personal update from us.

The situation here in the UK with the coronavirus has become very serious, with now more than 6000 deaths in our country, and as we write this update our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is in hospital and in intensive care, having contracted the virus himself. We therefore value your prayers for our nation, in the same way that we are praying for the nations of Europe, for Father's protection over them, and for the defeat of this evil virus.

As far as Sylvia and I are concerned, we are now in lockdown, as ordered by our government. Sylvia had her 70th birthday last month, and her age, combined with the asthma from which she suffers, has put her in the vulnerable and high-risk category from the virus. So she has to be careful. We therefore value your prayers for us as a family.

We are determined to stay safe and healthy, so that we will be able to start back on the ministry road as soon as this current crisis is over. We know that we have not finished in ministry yet, and Father has more for us to do in carrying His heart to the nations of Europe.

With much love and gratitude for your prayers and support.

Jeff & Sylvia